Demand for a modern furniture unit was always felt necessary by the Royal Government in view of import substitution and the need to blend our own traditional craftsmanship with the modern. More-so, it was felt that it did not make economic sense to have our own timber being exported and coming back in a value added form. By February 1990, the Royal Government of Bhutan, and DANIDA initiated the process of setting up contemporary furniture making unit with the objective of setting up a Training cum Production and Advisory unit. Named as the Wood Craft Centre (WCC), the management under the erstwhile Ministry of Trade and Industry was provided with machinery & technical support by DANIDA. The Centre was incorporated on November 30th 1992 under the Company’s Act. On January 1 2015, WCCL was officially taken over by Druk Holding and Investment Limited (DHI). DHI is now the sole shareholder of WCCL.
Contact Details
Phone : +975-02- 331791/331792
Email : marketingandsales.wccl@gmail.com
Website: http://www.wccl.bt/
Address : Langjophakha Thimphu