About Us
Story of Dzi Seldra
Dziseldra.com started as a personal business tool for a construction builder. It was conceived to automatically collect all construction tenders in Bhutan from the internet in one single place since it was quite cumbersome to follow all government websites and newspapers for such information. Information in Bhutan was and still is scattered in an unorganized structure in hundreds of sites.
It didn't take us long to realize other information faced the same problem and that this tool could be a very useful tool for the whole nation. We decided to encompass all categories of information that are popular in Bhutan and reshaped our software to efficiently collect and disseminate the information. With our advanced scouting tool that we built and a team of dedicated people, Dziseldra.com became one of the most visited websites in Bhutan within just a year since it's launch. Thousands of people visit everyday to search for opportunities and other useful information. Students come looking for scholarships, unemployed youths come to seek jobs, the already employed visit to find better job openings or opportunities for further studies, buyers and sellers use the site for properties and businesses use it to redruit and market their products and services.
We have met several of our users and Sangay Tshewang, a graduate from Sherubtse College, who is a regular user of our platform had something to say that we really loved. He said, "Dziseldra has brought transparency and equal access to information." That was the best compliment we could ever receive, as that was our very objective since the beginning. We are all about empowering our users and we have a lot more to offer. We hope our platform benefits you.
Tashi Delek!