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Technical Training Institute -Thimphu

UNDER Ministry of Labour and Human Resources

Technical Training Institute -Thimphu was established in 2008 to provide automobile related training to school leavers and unemployed youths in the country. The institute has been nomenclated several times. Under the administration of National Technical Training Authority (NTTA) it was initially called the Automobile Repair and Training Centre (ARTC), and later it was renamed as Thimphu Institute of Automobile Engineering (TIAE). Today it is known as Technical Training Institute – Thimphu under the direct administration of the Department of Technical Education (DTE), Ministry of Labour and Human Resources (MoLHR). It is mandated to act as a model auto workshop in enhancing the quality of services through effective and efficient repair skills and to meet the emerging manpower needs of the auto repair industry


Training on Panel Beating - Slots 15 [CLOSED]
By Technical Training Institute -Thimphu a year ago

Technical Training Institute, Thimphu is pleased to announce the training on panel beating.


By Technical Training Institute -Thimphu 3 years ago

As a part of the Skills Development Program (SDP), Technical Training Institute-Thimphu, the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources is pleased to announce the availability of the following training as detailed below:

News & Announcements

In-Country Training Vacancy at TTI Thimphu [CLOSED]
By Technical Training Institute -Thimphu 4 years ago

The Technical Training Institute, Thimphu would like to announce the vacancies for the following courses: Sl.No.CourseNo

Contact Details

Phone : +975-2-336520/+975-2-336348
Fax : +975-2-336349
Email :
Address : Changzamtog, Thimphu