Druk Holding and Investments Ltd
Government Agency
Druk Holding and Investments (DHI), the commercial arm of the Royal Government of Bhutan, was established in 2007 upon issuance of Royal Charter in 2007 "to hold and manage the existing and future investments of the Royal Government for the long term benefit of the people of Bhutan". DHI, the largest and only government-owned holding company in Bhutan, has shares in 19 different companies operating in the manufacturing, energy, natural resources, financial, communication, aviation, trading and real estate sectors. Of the 19 portfolio companies 9 are fully owned (DHI-Owned Companies), 5 are controlled (DHI Controlled Companies - 51% and above) and 5 are linked (DHI-Linked Companies - below 51%).The Ministry of Finance is the sole shareholder of DHI.
Vacancy for a Content Designer
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 16 hours ago
Bhutan Global Mindfulness & MICE Holdings Pte Limited is pleased to announce the vacancy for a content designer.
Vacancy for a Driver [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 17 days ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited (DHI) is pleased to announce the vacancy for a driver.
Vacancy for an Analyst [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 17 days ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited (DHI) is pleased to announce the vacancy for an analyst.
Vacancy for a Senior Analyst [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 17 days ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited (DHI) is pleased to announce the vacancy for a senior analyst.
Vacancy for a Chief Executive Officer [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 22 days ago
The Nomination and Governance Committee (NGC) is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of chief executive officer, construction development corporation Limited (CDCL).
Vacancy Re-announcement for a Sales and Marketing Manager [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 2 months ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited (DHI) is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for a sales and marketing manager.
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 3 years ago
Are you thinking of becoming a part of freelancing economy? Are you willing to back it up with your effort, discipline and patience? DHI brings you the opportunity to hone and showcase your talent in an unlimited global market!
Notice Inviting Quotation
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd a month ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited invites e-bids to establish annual rate contracts for the following tenders.
Tender for Supply and Delivery of General Items [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 5 months ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited extends an invitation for e-bids for the supply and delivery of general items.
Invitation for Proposal to Apply for the DHI Bussiness Acceleration Fund [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 8 months ago
Proposals are invited for the consideration of financing of businesses from entrepreneurs under the Cottage and Small Industry (CSI) for fund support.
Tender for Hiring of Consultant(s) to Conduct Customer Satisfaction Survey
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 10 months ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited invites e-bids to hire a consultant(s) to conduct a customer satisfaction survey and renew and install a license for the FortiGate firewall.
Invitation for Proposal to Apply for the DHI Business Acceleration Fund [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd a year ago
To “Promote and encourage entrepreneurship and business development through venture capital and other required institutional support” DHI is supporting Entrepreneurship through the DHI Business Acceleration Program (DHI BizAP).
Tender for Supply of Uniforms and Shoes [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd a year ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited (DHI) invites e-bids for the Supply of Uniforms and Shoes.
News & Announcements
Bhutan Verse Design Challenge [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 2 years ago
The Bhutanverse Design Challenge is an open call to all innovators and visionaries to exercise their creativity and originality by designing immersive virtual landscapes and experiences on the sandbox metaverse.
News & Announcements
Appointing Board of Directors (BoD) [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 2 years ago
Druk Holding and Investments Limited (DHI) is in the process of appointing Board of Directors (BoD) in its portfolio companies.
News & Announcements
Supporting Entrepreneurship through the DHI Business Acceleration Program [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 2 years ago
In order to “Promote and encourage entrepreneurship and business development through venture capital and other required institutional support” DHI has been generally supporting Entrepreneurship through the DHI Business Acceleration Program (DHI BizAP)
News & Announcements
Fully funded freelancing program [CLOSED]
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 3 years ago
DHI in partnership with the Forward School, Malaysia, will provide a fully funded freelancing program to include training of 13 sessions (9 hours a week) spread over 6 weeks, and an aftercare support to intern with foreign and local firms and collaborate locally in a working space for upto 2 months.
News & Announcements
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 4 years ago
News & Announcements
By Druk Holding and Investments Ltd 4 years ago
Contact Details
Address : Thimphu : Bhutan P.O. Box #: 1127 Email: info@dhi.bt Phone: 00975-02-336257/336258 Fax: 00975-02-336259