Posted 1 month ago

Vacancy for an IT Officer

Gyaltshen Consultancy is pleased to announce the vacancy for an IT officer.

Tags: it_officer
Warning Alert: Beware of Scammers! Never make any payment to a recruiter. No one will ever ask for application or any security deposit money except for scammers.

Gyaltshen Consultancy is pleased to announce a vacancy for the IT officer.

1. Qualification: Bachelors degrees in IT
2. Place of posting - Phuentsoling Township Development project, phuentsoling
3. Remarks - Preferences will be given to candidate with experience
4. Slot - 01
5. Contact information: 05-251766 / 17673505/ 17545579

Vacancy Details

Slots : 1
Qualification : Bachelor's degree
Job Sector : IT and Technology

Contact Details

17673505/ 17545579

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