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Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde

Government Agency

Samdrup Jongkhar Thromde was approved as a one of the four Class A Thromde by the Parliament in August 2010.The Thromde area extends from Samdrup Jongkhar main gate till Dewathang town. The Thromde was then formally delinked from the Dzongkhag Administration on 14thMarch, 2011. The Thromde Administration is currently staffed by 45 civil servants, 11 elementary service personnel (ESP), 2 general service personnel (GSP), 6 Drivers, 4 ADB staff and 1 contract staff.

Contact Details

Phone : 975-7- 251616, 251619,251629
Email :
Address : SamdrupJongkhar, Bhutan