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National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture

Government Agency
UNDER Department of Livestock

Aquaculture in Bhutan formally began in 1984 with the establishment of a cultivable carp hatchery in Gelephu under Sarpang dzongkhag. Then named as National Warm Water Fish Culture Centre (NWWFCC), the hatchery has since its establishment been promoting and supporting the development of carp farming in the country. After an initial boom, carp production activities more or less stalled in the late 80s and remained dormant till the early 2000s. At the turn of the century, in the early 2000s, carp farming resumed and has since then been gaining momentum steadily. The erstwhile NWWFCC has over the years evolved into what is today called National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture (NR&DCA). Owned and supervised by the Department of Livestock (DoL) of Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF), the NR&DA is the apical organization responsible for developing aquaculture in the country. Today over 500 farming households in the country are actively engaged in carp production (year 2016 data compiled by NR&DCA). The species cultured are Grass carp, Silver carp, Common carp, Rohu, Mrigal and Catla. These producers acquire carp seed and other important technical support from the NR&DCA.


Vacancy Re-announcement for the post of Fishery attendant & Wet sweeper [CLOSED]
By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 3 years ago

The National Research & Development Centre for Aquaculture (NR&DCA) Gelephu, under Department of Livestock , Ministry of Agriculture & Forests is pleased to re-announce the following posts for immediate recruitment.


Vacancy re-announcement for the post of Fishery attendant [CLOSED]
By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 4 years ago

National Research & Development Centre for Aquaculture (NR&DCA) Gelephu is please to re-announce for the post of Fishery attendant for immediate recruitment


Vacancy for Fishery Attendant [CLOSED]
By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 4 years ago

National Research & Development Centre for Aquaculture (NR&DCA) Gelephu is please to  announce the vacancy for the post of ESP for immediate recruitm


Tender for Supply of Commercial Fish Feeds and Locally Available Feed Ingredients [CLOSED]
By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 2 years ago

The National Development Centre for Aquaculture (NDCA), Gelephu under the Department of Livestock invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Supply of Commercial Fish Feeds and Locally Available Feed Ingredients.


Tender for Supply of Excavator and Backhoe [CLOSED]
By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 2 years ago

NRDCA invites tender for Supply of Excavator and Backhoe

News & Announcements

By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 4 years ago

With the onset of the semi-natural breeding’s favorable conditions at National Research & Development Centre for Aquaculture (NR&DCA) Gelephu the te

News & Announcements

Celebrating National Day of Bhutan…
By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 4 years ago

On the glorious occasion of the National Day of Bhutan, National Research & Development Centre for Aquaculture (NR&DCA) family joins the Nation in Cel

News & Announcements

Dedicated Royal Civil Service Medal Award 2020…
By National Research and Development Centre for Aquaculture 4 years ago

Serving the TSA-WA-SUM with full dedication Mr. Pratiman Rai, LPS, Mr. Neten, LPS, Mr. Kinley Driver and Mrs. Renchen Lhamo, LPO working under Nationa

Contact Details

Phone : 00975-06-251200
Email :
Address : National Research & Development Centre for Aquaculture. Gelephu Bhutan