Posted 3 years ago

Vacancy for Gender and Inclusion Specialist

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UNDP Bhutan is pleased to announce the vacancy of a Gender and Inclusion Specialist only for Bhutanese locals

Tags: international_job Specialist gender_inclusion
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Job Description

Agency: UNDP
Title: Gender and Inclusion Specialist
Job ID: 39127
Practice Area - Job Family: Management
Vacancy End Date: (Midnight New York, USA) 25/08/2021
Duty Station: Thimphu, Bhutan
Education & Work Experience: G-Bachelor's Level Degree - 5 year(s) experience, I-Master's Level Degree - 3 year(s) experience
Languages: Required: Dzongkha, English
Grade: NB5
Vacancy Type: Service Contract (SC)
Posting Type: External Bureau: Asia & the Pacific
Contract Duration: 12 months with possibility of extension

This is a local vacancy, therefore, only Bhutanese locals are eligible to apply. Kindly note that we will be contacting only the shortlisted candidates. Should you have any queries related to the announcement, please write to


UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

UNDP Bhutan Country Office (CO)’s portfolio consists largely of three areas – environment/climate change, democratic governance and strategic innovation. Given the importance of and challenges faced with inclusion,  gender equality and gender-based violence to achieve the sustainable development goals, the Gender and Inclusion Specialist, will be part of the policy, strategy and innovation team, and will on gender-based violence (GBV) prevention (within the scope of the Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs project – see more details below). The successful candidate will also work across the three clusters to mainstream the gender equality and inclusion agenda, including GBV prevention, in all areas of our work including working on projects focusing on gender equality and inclusion. The incumbent will cover both programmatic responsibilities and instituitonal/operational compliance requirements of the office related to inclusion and equailty.

UNDP Bhutan’s current Country Programme Document (CPD - the CO’s foundational document that outlines key areas of its work over a four-year period, focuses on two outcomes – 1) By 2023, Government institutions provide equal opportunities for all, and women and vulnerable groups hold leaders accountable, and; 2) By 2023, Bhutan’s vulnerable communities and its economy are more resilient to climate-induced and other disasters and biodiversity loss. Realising these outcomes, as well as Bhutan’s 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) 2018-2023 vision of a “just, harmonious and sustainable society through enhanced decentralisation” will require: capacity-strengthening to manage the implementation of decentralized resources and mainstream crosscutting issues into local plans and budgets, with the active participation and inclusion of citizens at local levels; and to support the holistic approach to ensuring access to justice for all through the new Justice Sector Strategy Implementation Plan. As the key institution of democracy, Parliament will also play a pivotal role in helping to address these challenges and driving progress towards the SDGs, GNH and the just, harmonious and sustainable society envisaged by the 12th FYP. To achieve these objectives, UNDP Bhutan has developed a Multi-Year Integrated Governance Framework (MYF) consisting of four outputs: local governance/public service delivery; access to justice and rule of law; parliamentary development; innovation and strategic partnerships. Cutting across all of these outputs are two common themes: mainstreaming gender and support to vulnerable groups.

In pursuing gender equality and empowerment, Bhutan’s policy and legal framework will form the basis and align to UNDP’s gender goals. Some important legal framework is the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) which Bhutan is party to, and 12th FYP , National Gender Equality policy 2020 and the National Plan of Action on Gender Equality (2019-2023). Consequently, UNDP will partner with all relevant stakeholders across the CSOs. Government and Private Sector. UNDP will also leverage the support from the Parliamentarians, specifically Women and Youth Committee for oversight and implementation of gender commitments.

The CO has established a Gender Task Team, consisting of representatives from programme (all units and senior management), operations, M&E and communications teams, and chaired by the Resident Representative. The Gender Task Team has a Terms of Reference, which sets out the functions of the team, meeting frequency, monitoring of the annual action plan and documentation of roles in performance management.  The CO is also striving to institutionalize the value of gender equality and inclusion through its workplace practices.  In 2021, the CO joined the corporate certification programme, Gender Seal, to strengthen its capacity to demonstrate gender equality in programming and organisational management.  The CO attaches high importance to the Organisation’s accountability frameworks and tools for gender equality, including the Global Staff Survey, the Gender Marker, gender parity targets, and policies to eliminate sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse.

Gakey Lamteon”, Bhutan’s Pilot Prevention Project for GBV, is a joint collaboration between UNDP Bhutan and the National Commission for Women and Children (NCWC). This pilot project is a targeted effort that aims to accelerate UNDP’S global project of Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs, funded by the Republic of Korea. It recognizes that ending gender-based violence (GBV) is critical for achieving gender equality, and it will also help accelerate the effective achievement of many of the SDGs.

The project is based on a model, piloted through the Building Our Future: Supporting Healthy and Happy Relationships intervention in Cambodia, a two-pronged approach, specifically targeting caregivers and adolescents. The CO and partners aims to pursue the strengthened and expanding partnerships to initiate policy intervention in order to integrate GBV prevention programs with strategic stakeholders such as the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, grassroots rights based CSOs, and Local Government. The project is scheduled to end by December 2021 and the successful candidate would be a key personnel in the effective management, implementation and finalization fo the project.

UNDP’s approach to inclusion and gender equality: The promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment and inclusion are essential to UNDP’s development approach. Inclusion, Gender equality and women’s empowerment are seen as goals in their own right and are also central to the achievement of UNDPs development mandate. UNDP is the knowledge frontier organization for sustainable development in the UN Development System and serves as the integrator for collective action to realize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and imeplementation of the Leave No One Behind principle. Some of the strategies, but not limited to, that guides the UNDP in its work on inclusion and gender are the Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2021 and UN Disability Inclusion strategy.


Duties and Responsibilities

The Gender and Inclusion Specialist will work under the overall supervision of the Resident Representative and matrix/secondary reporting to governance portfolio manager. The Gender Specialist will work closely with members of the Policy, strategy and innovation team and other teams i.e. Governance Team, Environment and Climate Change, RBM and Communications, Operations, other UN Agencies, UNDP Regional Hub and HQ. The incumbent will be the primary contact point for the global GBV and SDGs team, liaising with the Technical Advisor for Integration Pilots on a regular basisThe Gender Specialist will contribute to the CPD outcomes and the outputs in the Governance MYF by leading the CO’s work on inclusion, gender equality and women’s empowerment, including preventing GBV, as well as working with various teams within and outside of the CO to ensure gender aspects are integrated in the CO’s support to the Royal Government of Bhutan.

The Gender Specialist will contribute to the CPD outcomes and the outputs in the Governance MYF by leading the CO’s work on inclusion, gender equality and women’s empowerment, including preventing GBV, as well as working with various teams within and outside of the CO to ensure gender aspects are integrated in the CO’s support to the Royal Government of Bhutan.  The Gender Specialist will also support the CO to ensure its programming outcome and its workplace practices are well aligned with each other around the gender equality and inclusion value. An important focus for the incumbent will be successful completion, evaluation, scale-up, reporting and closure of the Gakey Lamtoen project.

The Gender Specialist will also support the CO to ensure its programming outcome and its workplace practices are well aligned with each other around the gender equality and inclusion value. An important focus for the incumbent will be successful completion, evaluation, scale-up, reporting and closure of the Gakey Lamtoen project.

A summary of key functions are given below

A. Formulation, implementation and M&E of inclusion specific projects

B. Leading the Gender agenda of the Bhutan CO programme, including  gender and inclusion mainstreaming in workplace  practices in compliance with UNDP’s accountability frameworks.

C. Policy advocacy, knowledge management and strategic partnerships to advance the gender equality and inclusion agenda

E. Supporting and leading the corporate requirements (going beyond programme) on sexual harassment, discrimination and gender matters.

A. Formulation, implementation and M&E of inclusion specific projects

A.1 Effective management, implementation and finalization of Gakey Lamtoen project

  • Provide proper guidance to the project counterparts for effective management, implementation, closure and reporting of the project;
  • Effectively apply result-based management (RBM) tools in management; establishment of M&E and reporting framework, including management targets and monitoring the achievement of results, performance indicators/ success criteria, and regular update of baselines, targets and milestones in the project’s results resources frameworks;
  • Exercise risk management, including timely implementation of mitigation measures, and updating risk log and integrated work plan (IWP) in the Atlas system;
  • Facilitate project audits, spot-checks, and follow-up on the implementation of recommendations;
  • Ensure knowledge management and quality documentation of the project’s lessons learnt and best practices; quality publication of technical reports, policy briefs, and results;
  • Regular briefings and timely report to the supervisor on any exceptions to facilitate timely actions and informed decisions;
  • Prepare regular aggregate reports on activities, outputs and outcomes, including technical progress to donors as required, including the pilot’s final project report, based on thorough analysis and M&E;
  • Active participation and contribution to the UN/ UNDP’s regular reports on outputs and outcomes as well as outcome evaluations, under the framework of the UN programe in Bhutan.
  • Ensure coordination, management and implementation of the Gakey Lamtoen pilot project
  • Develop knowledge products for communications, awareness and advocacy for the Gakey Lamtoen project to influence institution of GBV prevention into poilicies and programs
  • Support generation of evidence through research on impacts of prevention approach to address GBV and consequently institution of prevention
  • Suport capacity building on Gakey Lamtoen prevention model to capacitate and empower participating stakeholders and volunteers for roll out and institution into the system
  • Provide swift and timely support to adapt and apply innovation to changing situations and circumstances for all CO gender intervention.

A. 2 Formulation of inclusion and gender-related projects for resource mobilization

  • Implementation of the CO’s Partnerships and the Governnace resource mobilization strategies, focusing on project formulation to mobilize funds from various external resources on inclusion;
  • Work closely with UNDP technical advisors and specialists in Bhutan and in Bangkok Regional Hub to identify opportunities for project development and mobilize resources and ensure linkage between programmes and projects in Bhutan and those at regional and global levels;
  • Effectively coordinate, facilitate and support the formulation, appraisal and approval of UNDP concept notes and pipeline project proposals related to inclusion and gender equality and women empowerment for mobilizing resources;  This includes (i) liaising and coordinating with GNHC and other government counterparts and related stakeholders; (ii) timely mobilization of technical inputs/experts to address information gaps for the formulation, appraisal and approval processes; (iii) preparing necessary documentations, reports and/or plans, as part of UNDP and donors’ requests, for submission and appraisal of pipeline projects; and collecting necessary data and information for the project formulation.

A.3 Effective management and implementation of inclusion and gender-related projects

  • Provide proper guidance to the project counterparts for effective planning, management and implementation of projects to ensure timely implementation of activities and achievement of quality results; including timely preparation and approval of the projects’ and work-packages’ annual and quarterly quality work-plans;
  • Effectively apply result-based management (RBM) tools in management; establishment of M&E and reporting framework, including management targets and monitoring the achievement of results, performance indicators/ success criteria, and regular update of baselines, targets and milestones in the project’s results resources frameworks;
  • Exercise risk management, including timely implementation of mitigation measures, and updating risk log and integrated work plan (IWP) in the Atlas system;
  • Facilitate project audits, spot-checks, and follow-up on the implementation of recommendations;
  • Ensure quality documentation of the project’s lessons learnt and best practices; quality publication of technical reports, policy briefs, and results;
  • Regular briefings and timely report to the supervisor on any exceptions to facilitate timely actions and informed decisions;
  • Prepare regular aggregate reports on activities, outputs and outcomes, including technical progress to donors as required;
  • Active participation and contribution to the UN/ UNDP’s regular reports on outputs and outcomes as well as outcome evaluations, under the framework of the UN programe in Bhutan.
  • Support UNDP’s representation in meetings and policy dialogues on issues related to inclusion, including areas under the governance team’s responsibilities such as local governance, access to justice, parliamentary support etc.

B. Leading the Gender agenda of the Bhutan CO programme (SDG 5), including  gender and inclusion mainstreaming in workplace  practices in compliance with UNDP’s accountability frameworks.

B.1  Leading the Gender agenda of the Bhutan CO Programme

  • Provide analysis and substantive inputs to the Counytry Propgramme Document and other strategic documents (particularly the Draft Gender Mainstreaming Strategy, 2021-2023, Annex 3);
  • Provide advice on application of UNDP gender mainstreaming corporate tools and corporate reporting and accountability frameworks, including the gender marker and ROAR;
  • Review current programmes and projects across the CO portfolio and provide recommendations on amendments/adjustments for better gender mainstreaming and reporting, in line with national policies and priorities;
  • Advise CO’s programme colleagues on strengtheinging gender and inclusion mainstreaming and content/outcomes (formulation of clear and measurable goals and expected outcomes related to gender equality and inclusion, focusing on impacts) through the project/programme cycle, including project proposal development, project appraisal (LPAC), project implementation and monitoring, quality assurance, reporting and evaluation;
  • Compile, analyse and interpret gender issues and statistical data;
  • M&E: i) formulation of clear and measurable goals and expected outcomes related to gender equality and inclusion, focusing on impacts rather than completion of activities; ii) gender equality and inclusion are included in programme and project monitoring and evaluation;
  • Contribution to sub-regional, regional and inter-agency initiatives related to gender and inclusion issues;
  • Provide technical assistance to partners on how to best achieve results, particular on issues related to gender equality, inclusion of vulnerable groups, governance, international good practices, and the SDGs.

B.2 Capacity building support to the CO’s gender and inclusion mainstreaming in workplace  practices in compliance with UNDP’s accountability frameworks.

  • Support the HR and other relevant teams to improve gender parity, gender equality, PSEA and inclusion in the CO.
  • Provide advisory and technical support to the CO’s effective participation in the corporate Gender Seal Certification Programme.

C. Policy advocacy, knowledge management and strategic parnerships

  • Strengthen partnerships and coordinate with key national stakeholders, UN agencies, civil society organizations, academia, research institutions and other stakeholders to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment and inclusion in Bhutan;
  • Develop background documents, briefs and presentations related to governance, gender and  inclusion issues;
  • Identify best practices, lessons learned to guide project improvements and future strategic interventions;
  • Provide advisory services to development partners, and facilitate knowledge networking and exchange on the GBV pilot project and Gender Based Violence related issues.
  • Support UNDP’s representation and thought leadership in meetings and policy dialogues on issues related to gender, including areas under the governance team’s responsibilities such as local governance, access to justice, parliamentary support, inclusion etc.;
  • Organise and facilitate dialogues and experience sharing between colleagues across all programme units on gender equality and inclusion.

D. Supporting and leading the corporate requirements (going beyond programme) on sexual harassment, discrimination and gender matters.

All forms of sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) are unacceptable and are prohibited in UNDP, whether perpetrated against a recipient of assistance or a coworker. Sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse violate human rights and are a betrayal of the core values of the United Nations. It is our collective priority to prevent such behaviours and to support those affected..

The Gender and Inclusion Specialist, as the member for the UN PSEA task force, will liase with other UN  in ensuring prevention and respond to sexual harrassement and sexual exploitation and abuse at the country level. Within UNDP, specialist will be the focal for Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and intiaite awareness and trainings to staff and support the management to respond to all forms of inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature committed. 

The incumbent will also be the focal for discrimination and other gender matters going beyond the programme.



Core competencies

Innovation (Ability to make new and useful ideas work): Level 3 (adapts deliverables to meet client needs).

Leadership (Ability to persuade others to follow): Level 3 (proactively seeks and recognizes contributions of others).

People Management (Ability to improve performance and satisfaction): Level 3 (appropriately involves team in different stages of work and decision-making).

Communication (Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform): Level 3 (expresses information and views with adaptive reasoning and appreciation for complexity and variation).

Delivery (Ability to get things done while exercising good judgement): Level 3 (takes responsibility for addressing critical situations and delivering core value)

Technical/Functional competencies:

Collaboration and Partnership: Ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen partnerships with others inside (Programmes/projects) or outside the organization who can provide information, assistance, and support. Sets overall direction for the formation and management of strategic relationships contributing to the overall positioning of UNDP.

Inclusion and Gender and Institutional Development: Knowledge of systems for inclusion and gender mainstreaming and capacity development and interagency collaboration and ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations.

Inclusion and Gender Issues & Analysis: Knowledge of inclusion and issues and the ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations, including analysis of projects from a gender perspective.

Inclusion and Gender Corporate Reporting: Knowledge of corporate reporting, including skills to manage ROAR reporting and extractions, gender marker development and other related tools.

Advocacy and Activations: Ability to design and implement strategic short/long term campaigns and carry out customized activations to highlight UNDP's position and support issue-based advocacy.

Relationship Management: Ability to engage and foster strategic partnerships with other parties, Inter-Agency coordination and forge productive working relationships.



Required Skills and Experience



  • Bachelor's degree in social policy, public policy, international relations, political sciences, economics, development studies, business administration, public administration or a related area.
  • Master’s degree is preferable.
  • A degree in gender studies will be an asset.


  • At least 5 or 3 years with a Masters degree of progressive working experience in the the areas related to governance, social development and/or gender equality and women’s empowerment, gender based violence in a development context;
  • At least 5 or 3 years with a Masters degreeyears of working experience in the design, management, implementation and reporting of development projects;
  • Previous experience in development assistance or related work for a development organization, governmental institutions, NGO or private sector / consulting firm is a very strong advantage;
  • Strong analytical, drafting and communication skills.
  • Experience working with government agencies will be an asset;

Additional skills and competencies

  • Strong analytical and drafting skills
  • Strong communication skills

Fluency in oral and written Dzongkha and English






Important applicant information

All posts in the National Personnel Service Agreement (NPSA) categories are subject to local recruitment.

Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement.  We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.

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The United Nations does not charge any application, processing, training, interviewing, testing or other fee in connection with the application or recruitment process. Should you receive a solicitation for the payment of a fee, please disregard it. Furthermore, please note that emblems, logos, names and addresses are easily copied and reproduced. Therefore, you are advised to apply particular care when submitting personal information on the web.

Vacancy Details

Slots : 1
Minimum Experience Required : 5 Years
Qualification : Bachelor's degree
Employment Type : Contract
Job Sector : Business, Consulting and Management
Last Submission Date : Aug 26, 2021 10:00

Contact Details

UNDP Bhutan is pleased to announce the vacancy of a Gender and Inclusion Specialist only for Bhutanese locals


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